L Online Budget

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Why bother to create a personal or family budget?

Budget Calculator
  • Calculates expense to income ratio.
  • Calculates total & percentage spent in each of 7 categories.
  • Save your inputs for later use.

What is a Line Item Budget Format? A Line Item Budget Format is commonly known as the Traditional Budgeting Scheme. This highlights the past and the future budget plans of a company. Unlike other sites with online budgeting tools, the budgeting tools on this site will alert you to the little-known, but incredibly important, opportunity costs of spending - which are critical to successfully budgeting. Explore online budget templates for a quick check of your finances. Estimate how to divide your monthly income using the 50/30/20 rule. Automate your budget with NerdWallet. A budget spreadsheet template will help you monitor your expenses with accuracy. There are budget templates available for a variety of uses, covering budgets for your household, wedding, business, events, and college. A family budgeting template can track monthly income, expenses, and cash flow and present the information visually. Budget 2021 India: Read latest news on Union Budget 2021-22, Income tax slab, Railway Budget, budget for women, senior citizen and students. Also Get detailed analysis of Budget 2020-21 and latest.

Answers the question, 'Where does the money go?'

First, at its simplest, a budget is the tool you use to know if you will spend more than you earn. To create a budget, you project your income and then deduct your estimated expenses. The budget calculator makes this calculation a snap. Just provide values for the pertinent inputs and click on the 'Calc' button. That's all there is to it. Check out the Summary section for the results.

L Online Budget Calculator

If the income is higher than the expenses, congratulate yourself. You're at least on the right track. However, if the expenses are higher than the income, then eventually some adjustments will need to be made.

You might be saying, 'I don't need a budget calculator to know if I'm spending more than I'm earning.' That's probably is right. But there's another, even more, important use for a budget.

Budgets help us reach our goals.

The budget calculator shows the percentage each category is relative to total expenses. If you have a goal to save for the down payment for a home, the calculator will show you where you can consider making adjustments so that you can reach your goal.

Don't forget to checkout the new save feature. More details below

Original Size

All inputs and options are explained below. Please scroll down.

Coming in 2021

  • New: save your inputs to a file (currently beta feature)
  • Files are saved to your browser's download folder
  • Facilitate discussions - share
New! Drag & drop your saved files here to load...
File save and open are new beta test features. If you happen to get a different calculated result, do not assume that this calculator is making an error. Most likely, the problem is with the new file load feature. Please check that all settings got loaded as expected.
By saving the above URL and using it the next time, you won't have to reenter these values

Related: The Budget Calculator included in SolveIT! for Windows will compare up to 12 monthly budgets and let you save your entries to a disk file. You'll also be able to compare actual spending with what you had budgeted. With SolveIT!, you can also change the labels for the inputs to customize the calculation to meet your needs.

Ultimate Investment Calculator
  • Flexible. Solve for many unknowns.
  • Optionally considers inflation, taxes and/or fees
  • Calculates what's required to reach a goal
  • Creates either investment(+) or income(-) schedules
Retirement Calculator

Are you on track?

  • Considers pre and post retirement cash flows
  • Allows for multiple income sources
  • Factor in inflation - Yikes!

What is a Budget Calculator Used For?

Simply put, a budget calculator let's you answer that famous question, 'Where did all the money go?'. Our Budget Calculator also calculates expense groups as a percentage of total expenses. It may be reasonable to have 30% of your expenses go to 'Shelter'. It probably would not be such a good idea if your 'Recreation Expenses' were also 30%.

The budget calculator in SolveIT! also lets you compare projected budgets to actual income and expenses. You'll also be able to save your entries for later use and create budgets and reports which span and summarize an entire year (if you desire).


You can have multiple budgets for identical time periods by creating budgets with separate names. First, you set up the budget name and enter the budget figures. The budget name is then included on all the budget entries you create.

When you create a budget, you can define four dimensions for each budget. These budget-specific dimensions are called budget dimensions. You select the budget dimensions for each budget from among the dimensions you have already set up. Budget dimensions can be used to set filters on a budget and to add dimension information to budget entries. For more information, see Working with Dimensions.

Budgets play an important role in business intelligence, such as in financial statement based on account schedules that include budget entries or when analyzing budgeted versus actual amounts in the chart of accounts. For more information, see Business Intelligence.

In cost accounting, you work with cost budgets in a similar way. For more information, see Creating Cost Budgets.

To create a new G/L budget

  1. Choose the icon, enter G/L Budgets, and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose the Edit List action, and then fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

  3. Choose the Edit Budget action.

  4. At the top of the Budget page, fill in the fields as necessary to define what is displayed.

    Only entries that contain the budget name that you entered in the budget Name field are shown. Because the budget name has just been created, there are no entries that match the filter. Therefore, the page is empty.

  5. To enter an amount, choose the relevant cell in the matrix. The G/L Budget Entries page opens.

  6. Create a new line and fill in the Amount field. Close the G/L Budget Entries page.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have entered all of the budget amounts.


On the Filters FastTab, you can filter the budget information by budget dimensions you have set up under the budget name.

Exporting and Importing G/L Budgets with Excel

As for practically all other pages, you can export data on budget pages to Excel for further processing or analysis. For more information, see Exporting Your Business Data to Excel.


The chart of accounts, that G/L budgets are based on, have lines of account type Heading that contain the total of the lines below it. When you export a G/L budget, data on all lines is exported regardless of the account type. However, only data on lines of account type Posting can be imported back in. Accordingly:
When you import a G/L budget, any values that existed on Heading lines will be deleted.
This is to avoid wrong totals after importing data that has been created or edited in Excel.
Scenario: You know that the new budgeted salaries cost is going to be LCY 1.200.000. You want to let the Salaries department budget for the three specific lines (of account type Posting) for Full-time Employees, Part-time Employees, and Temp Help. The three lines are grouped under a Salaries heading line.
You enter 1.200.000 on the Heading line, export the budget to Excel, and then send it to the Salaries department, telling them to distribute the LCY 1.200.000.
The Salaries department distributes the amount on the three posting accounts. When you import back into the G/L budget, the three accounts are filled in with the new Excel data, summing to LCY 1.200.000, and the Heading line is blank.

See Related Training at Microsoft Learn

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See Also

L Online Budget Services

Exporting Your Business Data to Excel
Business Intelligence
Setting Up Finance
The General Ledger and the Chart of Accounts
Working with Business Central