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While you are receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, you must complete reports to show that you are eligible. The Internet Reporting Service is a simple, fast, convenient and secure way to submit your EI reports online.
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To make it easier to check when your next report is due, register for My Service Canada Account (MSCA). Once you’re registered, log in and select “Employment Insurance (EI)”, then click “Latest claim” or “Payment information”.
Before you begin filing your report
- If you disconnect or exit the report before completing it, your information will not be saved and you will need to start over
- If your report is missing information, it cannot be accepted for processing. Make sure that you have all your information ready to enter before you begin your report
- If you stay on one page for more than 10 minutes, your session will be disconnected
- Do not leave your computer unattended while logged in to your online report
- When you have finished your report, end your session by clicking on Log Out
- Each time you access the Internet, your browser automatically saves a copy of the web pages you have visited. Make sure you clear your browser's cache after each session to protect your account information
- If you receive an 'error 404' message when you try to log in to the Internet Reporting Service, there could be a problem with your browser; try the following solutions:
- clear your browser's cache
- delete the cookies from your browser, or
- use another browser
- If you are using Internet Explorer, please make sure that Compatibility View is not turned on. You can find out if it is turned on for the Internet Reporting System application by going to the Login page and following these steps:
- Click on the Tools menu and look for Compatibility View
- If there is no check mark next to Compatibility View then it is turned off and Internet Explorer should work. If there is a check mark next to Compatibility View, click on Compatibility View to remove the check mark and turn off Compatibility View
Accessing the Internet Reporting Service
Shortly after you apply for benefits, we will mail you an EI benefit statement. The statement includes your access code—a 4-digit number which is printed on the shaded area at the top of the benefit statement. You need the access code and your Social Insurance Number (SIN) to submit reports and to get information about your claim.
Keep your access code safe and store it separately from your SIN.
By providing and submitting your SIN and access code, we will consider you to have signed your online report.
If we need more information about your report, you will receive a message asking you to call us during business hours.
Completing your report
Work and earnings
If you worked during the period covered, you must provide:
- the dates and the number of hours that you worked
- the telephone numbers of all your employers, and
- your total earnings before deductions for each calendar week of the period (your total earnings include tips and commissions)
You must report your true earnings before deductions. If you do not, you may have to repay some or all of the money you received. You must always report your earnings during the week(s) you earned them.
- For example, if you worked in a particular week and will be paid later, you must report the number of hours you worked during the actual week you worked. You cannot wait until you are paid to report those hours and the earnings.
When reporting your earnings for each calendar week (Sunday to Saturday), round to the nearest dollar.
- For example, if your earnings were $125.49, enter $125. If your earnings were $125.50, enter $126.
Report only full hours worked for each calendar week (Sunday to Saturday).
- For example, if you worked 38 hours and 45 minutes, enter 38 hours.
If you started full-time work, state the date that you started. Report all employment, whether you work for someone else or for yourself. You also must notify us if you leave your job or lose your job, and tell us the reason.
Tip: Use the reporting calendar to keep track of your earnings and hours worked.
Online Internet Service
If you attended school or training, report the number of hours that you were in training and the amount of any training allowance received. Do not include allowances for living away from home, commuting, travel or dependent care.
You will be asked the following question: 'Were you ready, willing and capable of working each day, Monday through Friday, during each week of this report?'
If you were not available for work or you were not looking for work for any reason (for example, you were sick, injured or away on vacation), you must answer “no.” You will be asked which days you were not available. You must also report if you leave Canada for any reason.
Answer all questions truthfully. Providing false information is considered fraud and is punishable by law. If you make a mistake during your online session, you will be able to correct it before submitting your report. If you discover that you made a mistake after you have submitted your report, it is important that you let us know as soon as possible; otherwise, you may have to pay back some or all of the money you received.
How to contact us
- Call 1-800-206-7218, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm local time to speak to a representative, or
- Go to a Service Canada Centre
Direct deposit: Our standard way of paying benefits
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If you receive your payments by cheque, there can be delays when postal service is interrupted by weather or a labour dispute. The most efficient and surest way to receive your benefits is to sign up for direct deposit to your bank account.

- Your payment is deposited directly to your bank account 2 to 3 business days after you complete your report using the Internet Reporting Service.
- The deposit to your bank account is your record of payment.
If your bank account information changes or if you move, it is important to let us know as soon as possible.
To apply for direct deposit, you need your complete bank account information, as shown on your cheque or bank statement. Once you have this information, there are 3 ways you can set up direct deposit:
- go to My Service Canada Account. After you log in to My Service Canada Account, select 'View / change my direct deposit' to complete the direct deposit application
- call our telephone information service at 1-800-206-7218, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. A representative will then ask you to provide your bank account information
- visit a Service Canada Centre to apply for direct deposit
Job search
To help with your job search, links to Job Bank services will be available at the end of your reporting session. Job Bank is the Government of Canada's source for jobs and job market information. Connect with employers looking for your skills and experience at Job Bank.
Security warning
If you are using this service on a shared computer in a public area (for example, a public kiosk or library), please do not leave the computer unattended while accessing this service, and please make sure to protect your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and access code when logging in. Before leaving the computer, it is also important that you fully log out of the application, clear your browser's cache and close down your browser. These steps will ensure that no one else can access any personal information you may have entered.
Privacy notice statement

The information you provide is collected under the authority of the Employment Insurance Act (1996) to determine your eligibility for Unemployment Benefits (including Family Supplement) Employment Benefits, employment services and training. Completion is voluntary; however failure to complete this form will result in you not being considered for the aforementioned benefits. The information will be retained in 'Personal Information Bank(s) 'ESDC-PPU-150', 'Insurance Claim File-Local Office' and/or 'ESDC-PPU-293', 'Employment Benefits and Support Measures' and will be used and disclosed in accordance with the conditions listed therein. For Employment Benefits, services and training, this may include the provision of information to your province/territory for the administration of the Labour Market Development Agreements or to third party service providers.
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Under the provisions of the Privacy Act, individuals have the right to protection of, and access to, their personal information. Instructions for obtaining your personal information are outlined in the government publication entitled Info Source, a copy of which is located in all Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
Questions or comments regarding this policy or the administration of the Privacy Act in Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) may be directed to the Coordinator (, Access to Information and Privacy.
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Please note that by providing and submitting your SIN and Access Code, you will be deemed to have signed your online report. Keep your Access Code safe and store it separately from your SIN.